Comparing the Scribes of the Qur’an and Bible
The scribal circumstances of the Bible and Qur’an could not have been any more different...
The scribal circumstances of the Bible and Qur’an could not have been any more different...
Here is a free PDF for the Arabic translation of the book “Jesus: Man, Messenger, Messiah”:
Have you ever stopped to consider how the Christian Bible came about? There is no divine contents page to inform us which books should be included, so just how did the collection of writings that make up scripture come into being?
Nearly two billion Christians and over 1.5 billion Muslims believe in him, yet Jesus is perhaps the most misunderstood and misrepresented person in history.This book explores and demystifies Jesus – his life, teachings, personality and mission. It highlights commonalities but also examines differences between Christianity and Islam...
In this video, conservative Christian scholar Dr. James White makes some very candid statements about the authorship of the New Testament...
This article compares the Qur'an and Bible in light of their historical accuracy...
This article shows that the Gospel of John is not a reliable historical account of the life and teachings of Jesus...
Since the Qur'an and Bible of today don't agree theologically on all issues it's not possible that they both still represent the original words of God, one of them has to have been changed by man. This article is going to answer the question of which of the Qur'an and Bible we have today is the word of God...
Many Christians believe in the inerrancy of the New Testament. This article demsontrates some clear and irreconcilable contradictions in the New Testament...
Many Christians maintain that the New Testament we have today is the literal, inspired word of God. The purpose of this article is to show that far from being the inspired word of God, the New Testament that we have today is in fact the corrupted word of numerous scribes who freely added to it over many centuries of copying...